London Branch of the National Association of Retired Police Officers 

Our story... 

In 1919 when the State Pension had only existed for a decade, and when many of our poorly paid predecessors were on the breadline, they started the National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO).  
Their intention was to support police pensioners both individually and collectively.  
Some things haven't changed! 
A Century later our London Branch Chairman and Secretary meet regularly with the Commissioner, we are represented on the MPS Pension Board and we have a strong working relationship with Equiniti, our pension provider.  
You can, therefore, be confident that they are aware of Met pensioners' views on important issues. 
Run by a committee of volunteers, we produce a quarterly magazine, London Police Pensioner, available ONLY to London Branch members, which tries to keep alive the fun, pride and comradeship of our previous police service. 
This new website aims to keep you up-to-date with developments in the MPS relevant to Met pensioners, links to police charities or organisations, and contact details for lunch clubs round the country and station reunion groups when our member login section is ready. 
Above all, London Branch belongs to all its members and with your help we can strengthen and increase its scope and influence. 


As a member, you can take advantage of the extensive services, offers and discounts shown on the main NARPO website, where you will also find the joining form: 
You will need to join NARPO and nominate London as your chosen Branch. Membership subscriptions are taken direct from MPS pensions every month but pensioners from other forces will need to arrange a yearly payment in January. 
From January 2024 full members pay £26.28 (£2.19 per month)