The Annual Conference of the National Association of Retired Police Officers will take place on 6 September 2024 at the Riveria Centre, Torquay. 
If you would like to watch the Conference live from 9am please use this link 
London branch has submitted two motions for debate: 
1. That this Conference instructs the National Executive Committee to take steps to change the Articles and Rules of NARPO to allow all members of the company to vote on motions and resolutions laid before Conference. 
Explanatory Note 
This would bring the new company in line with most other companies and organisations who allow all members a vote on matters affecting the governance of their company. NARPO Rules state whilst all members are allowed a vote at their own branch AGM, the new Articles and Rules carry on supporting a delegate system for attendance (and voting) at Conference with the number based on an algorithm determined by branch membership at each year end. This is unfair and undemocratic with around 300 delegates deciding outcomes affecting 93,000 members. 
2. In accordance with Rule 4.4 the Minimum Subscription applicable for 2025 should remain the same as that charged in 2024 unless a budgetary case of need is put forward to indicate otherwise. 
Explanatory Note 
Following recent rises in the cost of living and the financial hardship facing many members, London branch believes there should be no increase to the minimum subscription in 2025. In 2022 NARPO members saw their NARPO subscription rise from £21.60 to £22.32 (3.1%), in 2023 it rose from £22.32 to £24.60 (10.1%), and in 2024 it rose from £24.60 to £26.28 (6.7%). Over these three years there has been a 21.67% increase in subscriptions. All increases of the minimum subscription should be based on a budgetary case of need which should be presented to Conference and not based on the simple formula of the increase in police pensions. 
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